One Room Challenge: Week One

One Room Challenge: Week One

    Hi Everyone! My name is Char and I am the DIYer and blogger behind The Char Studio! I’m excited to announce that I’ll be participating in the Fall ‘24 One Room Challenge.

    For all my new friends, I have been DIYing and remixing furniture for decades but The Char Studio became official a few years ago. Over the summer I moved into a new rental and I have yet to touch the 3rd bedroom. I wasn’t sure if I wanted the space to be a guest room or a home office but after a good amount of thought I opted for a guest room. 

    Over the next 8 weeks I’ll be transforming what once was my catch-all storage room into a welcoming guest space. The space definitely doesn't look like much right now, but I am excited for the upcoming weeks ahead.

    I will be taking you all on my journey and sharing my renter friendly design ideas, purchasing and everything in between for my guest room just in time for the holidays! Check out my blog post " Be Our Guest" for tips on getting your guest bedroom already for guests!  Never a goodbye but always a see you later. Until next time! 



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